Tuesday, December 28, 2010

15 days

15 days to go from today
can't wait to go back
I miss my home definitely
will not stay at KL for about 4 months
sure miss here a lot
especially him...
will miss you guys and you

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I wish

Hope everything will go smooth.


A type of dog breed found in Siberia.
They used to feed by Siberia fisherman and hunters which known as samoyed.
That's why it received name as samoyed.


Many things fall onto me recently.
It's a lot.
Yesterday he told me that he really care about my feeling.
what should I reply him except for 'whatever'?
I don't know.
I try to talk to him.
But I failed to do so.
I don't know why will like that.
May be I feel embarrass.
Hope this matter would not getting worse and worse.
I just hope that I can be friend with him like before.
God bless me..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Girl's Thinking

Girls or Women
Their thinking are complicated and totally different from the guys.
They used to complain that guys are not really understand what they want and what they think.
But don't they think that guys are thinking of the same matter too?
I am one of the example for this case.
I am not really talk to other people about my past, about my feeling, all thing regarding me.
Since those kind of thing fall onto me.
I wonder why too.
Why I can't just like other people
share their happiness and bad to their friend.
For me, I will just share it with myself or my family.
My house mate wonder why I didn't talk to him for two days.
Maybe I know the reason.
Sometime really get mad with my personality.
One of my friend told me that my personality got problem.
Is that true?
I don't know.
All I know is just to protect myself from being hurt by others.
I choose to hide.
Hide from others.
Hide form the truth.
Maybe this is not a good thing for me.
but at least
I get the happiness through my life.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Please stop arguing

Since that kind of matter happen,
all my classmates are very 'hot' about what they had wrote.
Yesterday one of my classmate who are actually really brave
he post the picture where those genius guys write down their comment.
At last, more than hundred comments were allocated.
Everybody discuss about those genius.
They suddenly become famous stars for sure.
The next thing happen was two of the genius make a call for my roommate.
Both of them said sorry and clarify that this matter are not related with them.
what they said are not really mean that.
Mm...quite good in put down the responsibilities.
Not bad.
my course mate though that my roommate and me sure will upset about this matter.
Haha..what a joke
I won't get upset because of this.
I face a problem even more serious than this during my primary school.
This kind of thing just a small small case.
Not worth for me to angry or sad.
The next day during class, he ask me to apologize him.
Yup..I can forgive you.
But what you do always see by the God.
Please remember what you did before.
That is your mouth.
I can't and have no right to control what you want to say.
but remember everyone have to make a return for what they said.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Be myself

Since I came to KL on May,
I knew that most of KL people are self-centered.
Until today, I only get the example.
Last few days was my group presentation versus the other group from other class.
Their group grouped by 'smart' people.
Two of them are distinction in diploma.
The next day after presentation,
my roommate show me the comment which written by them in FB.
They are just too arrogant in writing those comments.
My roommate was very angry and hot about this matter.
But I told she that there are nothing for us to angry with.
Because they worry their group will get lose in the presentation.
this mean that they 'look high' at us.
so we need to happy instead of angry.
Sometime really no need to care about what people said what people done.
I knew that there are Someone who are looking at what they have done.
What I mean is God.
I knew that God is fair in everything.
so just be myself.
Need no to care about them.
With doing this, our life will get happy and easier.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fever non STOP

Oh my.....
is FEVER again.
woke up on the early morning and take medic
hope that my body can turn to normal temperature as fast as possible.
as fever is not a good thing for me.
cold hot cold and hot..
maybe I didn't take medic on time
and this cause my body become hot again..
I hate the taste of medic..
but what to do..
have to eat it too..
luckily my body become OK after sleep for whole night.
thanks god really much..
I can't really sick as next week got tonnes of assignment are waiting for me.
god bless me.