Sunday, October 10, 2010


Went to Mist Club together with my classmate yesterday after celebrate my two classmate birthday at Japan BBQ Steamboat.
All of us 13 people include guys and girls went to the club.
Most of our classmate didn't go together with us as they are not club kaki..XD
*but I want to emphasis that this the second time for me so I am not a club kaki*
What could I said about that the club is not nice as what I am imagine before
The song which played by the DJ was outdated..
And the light is too bright and it make our eyes feel uncomfortable as well.
On the way going back to home..
One of the guy was get drunk.
and when we get something to fill our stomach in Mamak Stall
something was going wrong with him.
His mind is not clear at that time
and this make him said a lots of weird thing.
It really make all of us who sat together with him feel shy and embarrass.
This is the consequence of getting drunk.
Hope it would not happened anymore.

One of my friend told me that I really make him feel shocked yesterday.
I don't know why.
but maybe I change my T-shirt and denim to dress
so it will look different from usual.
and he saw me dance at club as well..
going to club is just want to enjoy.
if not dance what else can I did over there.
people who seldom mix with me will feel shocked after realize the another of me.
That's why I said that don't judge a book by it's cover.
so don't think that I am gentle all the way.
sometime I might going mad too..


  1. Any photo of you wearing *sexy* dress that I can see or view?? hahaha~
    Hohoo,i know you are not gentle all the way,as you say, don't judge a book by it's cover!! hahaha~
    is god to go mad sometimes :P
    I miss you la min,super duper much!!
    also,thanks for sometimes come over and visit my somewhat empty blog :P i guess only left you will visit my blog :)

  2. lol..sory chen for late reply..
    no any photo..><
    hohoho got free time sure visit ur blog... u ned update it lo
    miss u~~~
