Thursday, September 2, 2010

September =)

Here is the September
One of my favorite month in a year
As one of the day in this month is my big day
And I am going back to my lovely hometown on this month.
Celebrate birthday with family is a great thing.

Recently busy with preparing my final exam.
So have no much time to update my blog.
Two subject to go.
Feel tired with this final exam.
Not did well in many subjects.
Don't want think about it d.

Sorry to my lovely friend ---> Chen Chen
As I have no much time to chit chat with you.
I knew that recently you are busy with your assignments.
Well..hope everything go smooth.
AND take good care of yourself ya my friend.
I will be here...always.


  1. is okay my dear and thanks i will^^
    Thank you,
    i have heaps and tons of test coming up,only can breath after 21st of sept~ sigh!!
    big day coming hor,no more teenager..hahaa..but i'm older than you :(
    well,hope you have fun going back home,enjoyyy!!*envy* >.<

    ps: hope you did well for your exams :)

  2. hehe..thanks chen..=)
    add oil lor..
    tk care ya my dear..
